Saturday, August 13, 2022

COVID Strikes Again

 Well, it finally got me.  Where did I get it?  I have no idea.  I didn't ever catch it from Ken when he had it.  But Sunday, July 10th, I started not feeling too well.  In fact, I went home after sacrament meeting because I really wasn't feeling well.  I took a nap and felt better, but that afternoon, I developed a slight cough. Then other upper respiratory symptoms began to appear. I tested on Monday.   Negative.  Oh good, it's just a cold.  I was very sick on Tuesday.  Other than to go to the bathroom, I didn't get out of bed all morning and most of the afternoon. I just couldn't.  I couldn't even make myself walk to the kitchen to make myself a piece of toast. 

 I was sick the rest of the week, but just like when you have a cold.  I stayed in all week.  I went to church on Sunday.  I taught the gospel doctrine lesson. But I was careful not to get too close to anyone.  I didn't want to give them what I thought was my cold.  Later, I tested again. 

I have to assume the first test was a false negative.  

The week before I came down with it, we had been to the temple and we went to dinner with Ken's siblings. I also exercised at my fitness center several times.  But I only went to the pool, which is outside.  I don't remember getting too close to anyone in the pool.  So, I guess I got it one of those places?  I guess that's the mystery of this disease.  You never know.
But it has been really hard to get completely over it.  I am mostly well, but still have headaches and congestion, and it has taken a long time to get my full energy back.
I was blessed that it never went into my chest.  There was lots of congestion, but it was in my head.  I also think it was a blessing that I thought it was just a cold, so I didn't worry all that week when I was most sick.
My biggest concern was that I went to church and that I had possibly exposed others.  But the two people I got closest to did not get it.   I was so relieved.  I really only talked to those two and even then not too close.  When you teach, you are up front and far away from people, especially in the room I was teaching in that day.  I was really careful.
Finally, almost three weeks later, my Covid test was negative.

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