Thursday, August 11, 2022

Brent Jensen Passes Away

 When we got home from our reunion, we got news that our dear friend, Brent Jensen was in the hospital.  He had been out trimming his palm trees and collapsed.  Ken went to visit him several times in the hospital.  When he asked at the front desk for his room number, the volunteer didn't even have to look at her computer, she knew his room number.  Ken commented that that was pretty impressive.  Her reply: "He's very popular."  

Yes, Brent was very popular.  Everyone loved him.  An old cowboy, he loved everyone and served everyone.  When you talked to him, you felt like you were his best friend.  As ward members have commented on our ward facebook page of kindnesses he has done for them, we realize that he did for everyone what he always did for us- tuned in to and served people.  His life was full of service.  Our neighborhood and ward took a big hit when he left this earth.

I led the singing and chose the songs for Sacrament meeting for many, many years.  Brent came to me once and humbly asked if we could sing, "Jesus, Lover of My Soul."  He loved that hymn.  I put it on the schedule soon thereafter.  When I looked down at him as we sang, I saw tears streaming down his face.  I tried to put it on the schedule often- just for Brent.  You'll notice it was the opening hymn for his services. 

In 2008, I had two knee replacement surgeries.  Brent was my cheerleader and confidant through that hard time.  He had had his done earlier and coached me through, telling me to give it six months and it would all be worth it.  He was so right.  Ever after that, he often enquired about me knees. A route I often walked took me by his house.  He was often outside and would come over to chat for a few minutes as I walked by.  I will miss those chats.  
We will miss our good friend, Brent.  Our ward simply won't be the same without him.  

1 comment:

Shonna said...

He is such a good man! What a nice post about him.