Monday, July 22, 2024

Family Reunion- Saturday, July 6

 After two big, active days, everyone was tired on Saturday.  

After a beautiful and thought-provoking devotional by Kristen, 

we held our annual talent show.

Brielle and Gabbi sang the youth theme while Brian accompanied them on the guitar.  It was so beautiful.

William has been in "Let's Play Music"  He wrote an amazing song to present at their recital. It was called "The Ultimate Face Off" and represented a battle between a tiger, a dinosaur, and a dragon.  At the end, we all had to guess who won the battle.  He is really talented.

Jacob did a video presentation of our Thanksgiving reunion last year.  It was very well done.

Kenny and Michelle did a skit from Veggie Tales.  It was so funny.

Hannah did a science experiment

Jaron played a piece on the piano.  He is really good.

Samuel showed some of his art work and his tennis racket.  He has discovered a new talent recently.  He is a really good tennis player.

Brielle sang a beautiful song from a musical.  She is so good.

Gabbi showed her amazing duck collection.

We went outside for Lily to show us some of her gymnastics tricks.  She is so flexible.

That evening we played a game and Brian kept score on the white board.  Brielle is a little OCD and to get her goat, he marked one of the cross through bundles of five cross through the wrong way.  The battle ensued as the rest of the evening, Brielle was trying to sneak up and change it.  It was driving her crazy.

Snow cone time!

Lisi, Nathan, Audrey, and Jared arrived that evening.  Jared's family reunion was scheduled at the same time as ours, so their family split in half and half attended each.  The Mackrory reunion was held in Colorado. They left that morning to spend a little time with us. We were so glad when they arrived, and we were all together.  Lisi couldn't wait to show us her talent, a rock collection.  It inspired William and he is now collecting rocks, too.  

Kristen spontaneously asked the kids to line up by age and I think we got some really great pictures.  I don't want to eliminate any of them.
Brielle, Nathan, Gabriella, Caleb, Jacob, Lily, Jaron, Audrey, Hannah, Kenny, Samuel, Gabe, William, Elisabeth

Have you ever seen a better bunch of kids?

That evening, we all went to Nielsen's Frozen Custard for a treat.

That evening, the kids played night games until late.  This is an annual tradition on the last night of the reunion.  In the past, it has been "the fort builders" who have played.  That's my name for the ones in the past that built forts in the mountains: Nathan, Gabbi, Caleb, Jaron, and Jake.  But this year it involved some of the others: Lily, Hannah, Audrey, and Kenny.  I think everyone had fun.  Audrey fell and cut her knee, so that wasn't fun.  But often when I ask the kids what their favorite activity was they will say night games.

1 comment:

Kristen Mackrory said...

Reliving that made me so happy. Thanks mom!