Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Family Reunion- Wednesday, July 3

On Wednesday, July 3rd our family gathered at the home of Brian and Michelle in South Jordan for our annual Ken and Kay Hinton family reunion.  It was so delightful to be together.  Brian and Michelle provided a nice dinner of grilled chicken, roasted potatoes, salad, and watermelon.  The first activity of the reunion was to go to the newly opened Taylorsville temple to do baptisms.
Ready to go into the temple: Ken, Kay, Caleb, Jaron, Gabbi, Lily, Brielle, Jake, Kristen, and Shonna. Nathan had not arrived at the reunion yet.  Brian is taking the picture.

Just look at our beautiful army!  After we came out:  Kristen, Gabbi, Brielle, Jake, Grandma, Grandpa, Jaron, Lily, Shonna, Caleb.
It was so wonderful to be with our wonderful army in the temple.  How I love these faithful kids.  I got to be witness, along with Shonna, and Ken and Brian (who is taking the pictures) baptized and confirmed.  I think that for me, this was the highlight of the reunion. I loved greeting each grandchild as they came out of the water and telling them that I love them.  It certainly was a great start to a wonderful few day together!


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