Saturday, July 27, 2024

A Song of Comfortable Chairs


A Song of Comfortable Chairs (No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency, #23)A Song of Comfortable Chairs by Alexander McCall Smith
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the 23rd book in this series and I have read them all. I think this is the first one that I have rated with 4 stars. I enjoy these books. They are relaxing and comfortable, but not particularly life changing. But this one was a bit more for me.
At the first of the book Mma Makutsi was SO irritating and rude that I thought, ”Okay I’m done with these books. I am so sick of Mma Makutsi.” She ordered a mug that said, “Boss.” And she had a carpenter come and measure for extensions on her desk so that hers could be bigger than Mma. Ramatswa’s. She continually promotes herself in the business, giving herself bigger and grander titles. Mma Ramatswa just tolerates it. I figured I’d had enough.
But that evening, Mma Ramatswa and her husband, Mr. J L B Matekoni sit out on their verandah, as they are wont to do, and Mma Ramatswa tells him about it. Rather than be incensed and speak rudely of their friend, they talk about why she must promote herself in this way. They analyze her background and her insecurities. They think of ways to help her.
This was such a lesson for me. Don’t we all have to deal with irritating people and situations? Can we learn from these good people how to deal with it?
Can you see why I love these books and keep reading them? They help me slow down, relax, and become a better person.

View all my reviews

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