Wednesday, July 10, 2024

More Blasts from the Past- 7

 Here are some more blasts from my past:

This is my dad's and Dr. Hubler's doctor clinic.  They built it just across from the hospital.  My uncle Alvin Gabrielsen, an architect, designed it.  This is the front, but that door was rarely used.  Patients entered the side door that connected to the parking lot.  The doctors and employees used the back entrance.  In the basement, was a laboratory.
This is Caldwell Memorial Hospital.  It is where I was born.

Thousands of sheep are herded through Caldwell, Idaho every year.  I remember going and watching it one year.  It was an amazing sight.
Seeing this picture brought back those memories.
This picture was very revealing to me.  Near Caldwell is a hill called Lizard Butte.  I never understood the name.  But this picture taken from far away explains it.  One memory of Lizard Butte is that every year an Easter service was held on the lizard's head.  A cross remains there year-round.  This picture shows how beautiful the area I am from is.

1 comment:

Kristen Mackrory said...

I LOVE this blast from the past. Thank you for sharing!