Friday, July 26, 2024

Lisi Meets Her Namesake

 Lisi's name is Elisabeth Dawn.  She is named after Jared's aunt, Sheila Dawn.  Anut Sheila lives in South Africa.  She is a delightful, cheerful woman.  Elisabeth Dawn definitely takes after her as Lisi is almost always cheeful and well, delightful.  Recently, Aunt Sheila came to visit her brother, Jared's Dad, and the rest of the family in Colorado.  She was able to attend the Mackrory family reunion and see so many family members.  Because Kristen and three of the kids would be at our reunion and not at the Mackrory reunion, She had Sheila and Mitch and Carolyn over for dinner the Sunday before our reunion.  Top priority for the visit was to have Lisi meet and get to know her namesake.  I cried when Kristen sent these beautiful pictures.  They really touched my heart.

This is my favorite.

What a beautiful, perfect family photo.
Jake, Audrey, Kristen, Jared's parents Carolyn and Mitch, Aunt Sheila Dawn, Jared,Brielle, Elisabeth Dawn, Samuel, Nathan

A delicious family dinner

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