Friday, July 19, 2024

Family Reunion -Thursday, July 4

 The 4th of July was packed full of fun.  

These boys were way more interested in reading than in eating breakfast.  We have a family full of readers.

The theme for this year's reunion was "The Liahona."THE LIAHONA - Official Lyric Video (  We sang the song every morning. Ken and I taught the first devotional.  After singing, we had everyone share how they "Hear him."  How do you feel the spirit?  It was a great discussion.  I was so touched by their thoughtful answers.

I love when everyone sings the song with all of their hearts.  Everyone had learned the words.

After the devotional we got ready and went to Uptown Jungle.  It was a fun indoor play park.
Go Gabbi!

I love this picture of Brielle, Kristen, and Michelle.

You guys have a photo bomber.

Beautiful Michelle


Jake and Gabbi fight it out.


It was scary to climb that high, but most of them did it.  They would climb up, then jump.  It was so fun to watch them overcome their fears, then experience the thrill.


Go Hannah

You can do it Sammy.  And he did.  After he did it the first time, he loved it and did it over and over.

Ta Da!



William loved this huge light bright.  Brielle was so cute playing with him.

It was a fun place.  There was just so much to do.  We were afraid it would be crowded on the 4th, but it wasn't at all.

Grandpa and I left a little early and hurried home to make a million quesadillas for lunch!

The afternoon was spent playing in the backyard.  

Drying off in the sun.

I love Gabbi and Grandma.  I love you too, William.

I made it to king position, but I didn't stay there long.

After the outdoor games, we came in and Kristen had us make sensory bottles.  You use glue and glitter in water to create "snow globe" type bottles.  Everyone loved it.

Aren't they pretty?

Michelle and Brian's neighbors are Independence Day fanatics.  Every year they have a huge neighborhood barbecue party and set off thousands of dollars' worth of fireworks.  It was so awesome!

Brian brought their firepit from the backyard to light sparklers for the kids.  They kept him busy all night.

I love this picture!

The dogs weren't crazy about the fireworks.  But we loved it!  It was a really great 4th of July celebration.

After the fireworks party and when most of the kids were in bed, we played some fun games and then Brian, trying to get Brielle's goat, started telling Dad jokes.  He didn't get much more than eye rolls from Brielle, but he certainly got a reaction from Kristen.
She isn't going to be happy with me posting these pictures, but it was so funny, I had to!

What a great 4th of July!!!

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