Wednesday, July 17, 2024

East of Eden


East of EdenEast of Eden by John Steinbeck
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is a book I would very much like to discuss in a book club setting. It is a powerful and memorable work. Truly a classic; who am I to review it? As I have pondered it, I think the theme of the book is that everyone needs a mother. Cathy or Kate was evil- pure and simple. Her rejection of her twins caused them to have problems all of their lives. In their longing for a mother’s love, they made poor decisions and lacked the ability to function normally in this world. Lee tried to compensate for their lack of a mother, and really a father for most of their lives, but no one can replace a mother.
I found myself fearing to pick up this book and read. I was afraid of Kate and didn’t like to be in her presence. The other characters were real and, as real people do, had both good and bad. This is a story of the battle that is as old as the world between good and evil. There is dark feeling throughout, but there are glimmers of light, too. I am glad I read it.

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