Tuesday, July 30, 2024

A Sweet Gift in Primary

This little piece of candy may not look like much to you, but it means a lot to me.


I play the piano in Primary each Sunday.  One Sunday, Sister Farnsworth- the music leader- had a punch board game for the children to review the songs.  She had large plastic cups glued to the board.  She put two candies in each cup and a slip of paper that said the name of the song we would sing.  Then she put tissue paper over each cup, securing it with a rubber band.  The chosen child would come up and punch which ever cup they wished.  The instructions were to read the slip, then keep a candy and give a candy to a friend.

I was so surprised when one of the children, Atlas, came back to me at the piano after punching the board and shared his candy with me!  It made my day!

1 comment:

Ada said...

How sweet! I like that child! Now you have a picture, you can eat the candy!!!