Saturday, July 27, 2024

Hanging with the Prince Boys

 After church and dinner on the Sunday of our reunion, Ken and I left to go back to St. George.  The original plan was that we just stay as we were going to tend the Prince boys while Gabbi and Michelle attended their girls camp.  But Ken was asked to seal a couple in our ward on Tuesday evening.  We also had our sealing shift that evening.  So we decided to come home for a couple of days.  On Monday we cleaned and did laundry and packed back up.  On Tuesday evening we started our sealing shift, then had a substitute so Ken could seal our friends.  It was Ken's first live marriage sealing.  When they walked into beautiful sealing room 4, the room was filled with 44 ward members!  We have such a great ward.  Ken did a beautiful job of sealing them forever.  After doing the paperwork, we hurried home, changed clothes and packed up the car.  We headed for Michelle and Brian's in a late night trip.  We stopped in Cedar City for a late dinner and arrived at the Princes at about 1:00am Wednesday morning.  Cynthia, Brian's mom had tended the boys on Tuesday.  She had lots of grandchildren to tend that day and they had a fun outing.

Jaron helped William climb their big tree.  William loved it up there.

Ken took the boys for a walk and William, inspired by Lisi, collected rocks along the way.

On Thursday, Ken took Kenny and Jaron to the church history building to meet up with Ken's sister Lorene.  She gave them a tour.
They met up with Brian, who works in downtown SLC and had lunch at Crown Burger.

Jaron, Lorene, and Kenny

I stayed home with William and we played games and ate Dino chicken nuggets.  Yum!

It was such a nice few day with these fine boys.  We love them so much.  
Michelle and Gabbi got home on Friday morning.  We visited for awhile, then headed home to hot St. George.  

On Saturday, Ken performed another live marriage.  He didn't know he had been requested as he didn't recognize the name of the couple, but his business manager for years knew them well and suggested they request Ken.  He said, "You won't be sorry."  It was another sweet experience.

1 comment:

Pam said...

Such darling boys, Kay! I love how you divide and conquer when you tend- that's what we do when we tend, too! I'll bet Ken does a wonderful job sealing couples and it sounds as if he is very popular!