Friday, July 12, 2024

I Can't Swear; I'm a Temple Worker

 I recently saw this story on a Facebook friend's post.  It has caused me to think a lot and I wanted to share it with you.  

She said she was shopping in a store and needed to use the restroom.  She went back and there was a large CLOSED sign on the restroom door.  She said, "Oh man, now what?"  Other customers were there, too and one of them said to her, "Aren't you going to swear?"  She said, "I can't swear; I'm a temple worker."  She then went on to tell how that prompted a discussion with the man which led him to invite her to his store next door to use the restroom there.

This story reminds me that we should always remember who we are and who we represent- whether we are a temple worker or not.  

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