Wednesday, July 3, 2024

The One with Puke in Front of It

 We had the most delightful phone conversation with the Cameron family on my birthday/Father's Day.  At one point we started talking about our upcoming family reunion.  Everyone is excited to go to Lagoon.  Caleb was telling us all about his favorite rides. He mentioned Samurai and I asked, "Which one is Samurai?"  Hannah, who hadn't said a word up to this point, piped up and said, "It's the one with puke in front of it."  We all just cracked up.  

I don't see puke, but it's probably there!~


Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Triple Self Portrait

Triple Self Portrait is one Rockwell's most famous paintings.  The following explains why he painted it:

 “Triple Self Portrait” by Norman Rockwell (1960)

Humor and humility were essential aspects of Norman Rockwell's character, so when asked to do a self-portrait that would announce the first of eight excerpts of his autobiography, the results were lighthearted and somewhat self-deprecating. The painting provides the essential elements not of his life as an illustrator, but of the specific commission. Rockwell's life is far too eventful and complex to begin to approach summation in a single work so he limits the composition to himself, his artists' materials, his references, a canvas on an easel, and a mirror.

Monday, July 1, 2024

An Exciting/Scary Morning

 I woke up very early (4am) Wednesday morning.  I heard a helicopter.  I got on my phone and found that someone had murdered two people in Washington City and had been seen in our area.  The police had put a shelter -in -place order on our neighborhood and the surrounding area.  I didn’t dare go back to sleep so that I could warn Ken not to go on his walk.  I sat there and listened to the helicopter.  Ken woke up at 6.  I told him about it.  He poo pooed it.  Then kind of jokingly said, “Nothing stands between me and my walk.” And headed out the door.  So, I locked the door and went back to sleep.  What else could I do?

You maybe heard on the news.  It was a boy that wanted to be a girl and was transitioning.  She walked into his/her parents home and shot and killed his parents.  His brother and his wife lived downstairs.  He went down to kill them, but they had heard the shots, locked the door and fled out a window.  Then he/she fled and drove out to our neighborhood.  All the police forces were out looking for him/ her.  One squad car saw an individual walking out on River Rd. and tried to stop him/her and he fled down the wash in the dark.  He was on foot.  He ended up being caught out near the Red Cliffs temple in a field hours later. When interviewed, he/ she said he had no regret.  He would do it again.  He hated his parents.  They were against his transition. What a terrible individual.  He is in jail. So question:  Do you put him in with the men or the women?  I don’t know what they did.

Doesn't look like a murderer.

I am grateful for police forces who diligently sought the individual through the night and that Ken didn't get hurt.