Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Meet Fred: Our New Grand Dog!

 January 17th was a very exciting day for the Prince family.  They adopted a dog.  The kids have been begging for a dog for months.  Gabbi has spent much of her free time on websites, searching for the perfect dog.

Meet sweet, cuddly Fred.  He is a cocapoo.

He is half King Charles Cocker Spaniel.  This breed of dog was bred to sit on the feet of King Charles to keep them warm.  That half of Fred is already displaying itself.

School in their district went to online for a week because of omicron.  Fred made home school a whole lot more fun!

Welcome to the family, Fred!  We love you already!


Pam said...

So cute! Fun to watch how much the kids adore him!

Shonna said...

I can't wait to meet cute little Fred.