Tuesday, February 15, 2022

And Now the Camerons . . .

 Yep, the Cameron family got COVID too.  They have been so very careful.  Blake is a dentist and ALWAYS wears a mask.  The rest of the family also always wear a mask in public.  Masks are not mandatory in their school, but the kids ALWAYS wear one, except when they are eating, of course.  They are the least likely people to get the virus, but they did.  The first indication was Gabe had a fever of 101 for just one day.  He then was fine.  The others had very slight symptoms until Shonna, who got very sick for a few days. She thought she just had a cold. One evening, they had pizzas in the oven.  She expected to smell pizza, but everything smelled metallic.  When she told Blake, he said, "You don't have a cold.  You have COVID."  They had just received their government issued tests that very day, so Shonna took the test.  Positive.  So now they assume that everyone else had it before her.  Where did they get it?  What they figure is that Hannah got it from her best friend, Millie.  Millie tested positive.  They eat lunch together every day- when they take off their masks to eat.  They figure Hannah got it from Millie before she knew she had it, then the rest of the family caught it from Hannah.

So us and the Mackrory family (except Sammy)  are the holdouts.  Let's hope it stays that way.  🤞

1 comment:

Shonna said...

I hope it stays that way too. The strangest is after I was feeling better, day 11 I think, my food started tasting metallic or very bitter. Luckily it's slowly going away now.