Monday, June 10, 2024

The Candy Man Can

 The next morning, on May 15th, we flew to Salt Lake City to watch Jaron perform as the Candy Man in his school play "Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory."  These middle school kids did an awesome job.  Jaron was a great Candy Man.  He sang "The Candy Man Can."  It was beautiful.  He has a gorgeous voice.  Wow! We had never heard him sing like that before.

These pictures show his candy cart.

The Candy Man and Charlie

The Candy Man gives Charlie a chocolate bar.

When he wasn't being the Candy Man, he was an Oompa Loompa.  He sang and danced so cute.  All of the kids did.  It was a most enjoyable show.

The curtain call.  Jaron taking his final bow.

What a great Candy Man.

I love this sweet picture of Grandpa with Fred.  Fred is such a sweet dog.

Brian got up and made us delicious waffles the next morning.

It was animal day at school.  William wanted to be a tiger, so Michelle painted his face to look like one.

We love you and are so proud of you, Candy Man!

After getting the kids off to school, Michelle took us to the airport for the next leg of our journey: Victoria, British Columbia.

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