Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Our Grandkids are Awesome!

 Ken and I both got to the bottom of our Initiatory stack of family temple cards in April or May.  May is such a busy time for kids- all of the end of school year tests and activities.  But as soon as all of them were out of school, all of the eligible grandkids (there are four boys and three girls old enough to go to the temple) headed to the temple to do baptisms and confirmations for the dead that I had sent them to do. When we got home from our trip, I printed out stacks of Initiatory cards!  What a great bunch of grandkids!

Thank you so much Brielle, Nathan, Jacob, Gabbi, Jaron, Caleb, and Lily!  You are the very best!  I really believe that if these kids go to the temple often, they will be able to withstand the evils of the last days.

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