Saturday, June 22, 2024

Rough Ending to Our Cruise

 We were to get off of our cruise ship on Saturday, June 1st.  On Tuesday, Ken started feeling sick.  By Thursday, he was very ill.  He hardly had the energy to shave.  He did get dressed, but he just lay on the bed all day.  He was feverish, coughing, congested, and vomiting.  He only left the cabin so that our steward could clen it and replace the towels.  It was a rough day. 

 (Him laying on our bed, fully dressed, reminded me of a story I heard about Elder Bruce R McConkie.  He had cancer and got very weak and ill at the end of his life.  Each day, though, with faith, he would get up and get dressed in his suit, including his dress shoes, then lay on his bed.  He wanted to be ready to go to work in case he felt well enough to do so.  Visitors would find him in that condition. (Not that Ken was dying, though I think he felt like he was!)

We did go out on Wednesday, when we were Juneau.  He was in pursuit of medicine, and I just wanted to look around in the shops.  But that's really all we did.  I guess Ken birded a little bit.  But, by Thursday, our cruise was over.  I still went to the library each day to see what books people had dropped off.  I also went to dinner alone in the dining room in the evenings.  But Ken wasn't hungry and didn't want to expose others to what he had. We were both apprehensive about getting off the ship with him feeling so lousy, but he improved on Friday, and by Saturday was doing much better.  But I started feeling ill on Saturday- travel day.  

Saturday was a long, hard day, but we made it home, grateful to be here.  We both spent Sunday resting.  On Saturday morning I texted my friend Terri who willingly substituted for me as Primary pianist for another week.  She is so good to do that for me.  She is the stake Primary president and has to visit other wards frequently, but if she is free she always is willing to sub for me.  I was grateful she was free that day.

Ken left on Tuesday for his annual bike trip. (post to come.)  I took him to the airport and that evening the illness hit me hard.  I was SO sick for several days. I was too sick to even read.  Now that's sick!!! Though we never tested, we wonder if we had COVID?  

Though it was a very rough ending, overall, we had a wonderful vacation.  It was wonderful to be together in such a beautiful place.

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