Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Butchart Gardens

 We flew to Vancouver, British Columbia, rented a car, then found our way to the ferry to take us to Vancouver Island.  

Ken had scheduled for us to stay in a Bed and Breakfast there.  It was such a nice place in the basement of the owner's home: living room, kitchen, two large bedrooms and bath.  We went out to dinner that evening at a local cafe.  I had fish and chips and Ken had his favorite liver and onions.  We had a good night's sleep in our fine accommodations.
They served us such a nice breakfast in the morning: Berry stuffed crepes, bacon,  juice, and croissants.
We checked out and made our way to Butchart Gardens.  What a beautiful day it was!  
Take a walk through the beautiful gardens with us:

This was an especially beautiful, peaceful spot.

Being among all of that beauty was so peaceful and calming.  I noticed something unexpected:  I counted five different people that I heard singing or humming as they strolled.  One of them was being silly, mimicking Tiny Tim in "Tiptoe through the Tulips" but most were just feeling peace and joy.  I think the beauty brought out song.  Isn't that interesting?

I was really drawn to these little button flowers.  Ken told me the name, but I can't remember.

Even the garbage cans were covered in flowers.

Japanese Garden

I like to leave all of these pictures on my phone and just scroll through and enjoy them every so often.

It was all so beautiful.  We saw the whole thing in about three hours. When we finished, we shared a sandwich for lunch at the coffee shop, then made our way back to the ferry to go back to Vancouver.

On the ferry.

What a beautiful day this was!

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