Saturday, June 15, 2024

Skagway, Alaska

 In Skagway, we rode a train to the top of the mountain.  The scenery was beautiful.  It is a very popular excursion and there were a lot of people!  But it is a long train and everyone fit.

Our neighboring ship.  We saw this ship several times in our travels.
It kind of followed us around . . .or we followed it.
Loaded on the train.

The scenery was so beautiful.

Look how pretty!

We saw a bear right by the train.  He just ignored us.

This was a monument to something.

The higher we got, the more snow there was.

My friend who took this tour when they cruised Alaska said how much she loved looking down at the beautiful river below.  It was so beautiful.

Our tour guide said that this view was the favorite of those who built the railroad.  They would sit where they could view it while they ate their lunch.

Back at the ship.

The train ride was fun and beautiful in Skagway.  

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