Thursday, June 20, 2024

Glacier Bay National Park 2

On our return cruise, we went back to Glacier Bay National park and viewed the same glaciers.  We got to go in a little closer this time.  And we got to watch the glacier calf, which was so fun.  We also saw a bear on the shore.  It was a much sunnier day than when we were there a few days earlier.


We got to see this glacier calf.  That means a big chunk of it falls off and splashes in the water.  See, it's white, and then to the right it is black.  A big piece in the black part, just to the right of the white part fell off while we were watching.

You can see other chunks that have fallen.

Again, rangers came aboard and did commentary over the loudspeakers and television.  Ken went down to talk to one of the rangers, a bird expert, about a flock of birds he saw with some erratic behavior.  The ranger knew exactly what it was.  It was a common loon.  I took a picture from our balcony as they visited.

We were so glad we got to go back to this beautiful place.  It was a different experience the second time.  

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