Friday, July 29, 2022

Weekend Trip to Northern Utah

 The original plan was for Ken to leave on Thursday, June 9th to go to Logan.  He had an appointment with Blake for his dental cleaning and check-up on Friday, then would spend the weekend with Blake and Shonna.  He would then meet up with Scott and Joyce Seegmiller for their bike adventure in Idaho on Sunday morning, June 12th.  That was the original plan.  But because of COVID, I didn't get to go the week before.  And I still had a broken tooth that needed to be cared for.  So we both went on the 9th.  We stopped for a few hours at Michelle and Brian's on the way.  Then we drove up to Logan, arriving Thursday evening.  It had been way too long since we had seen our family!

How I love this beautiful daughter.

Ken played HORSE with Kenny and Candy Land with the boys.

As always, I read books to William.

When we got to Logan, Hannah finally got to open her baptism gift from us.

Shonna LOVES flowers.  But she has allergies, so sometimes the pollen affects her.  So Blake made her a beautiful bouquet out of LEGOS.  I thought that was really clever.

This little girl is often quietly working by her mother, preparing the meals, cleaning up, helping her do the grocery shopping, etc,  She loves to help.  She says she wants to be a baker or a chef when she grows up . . . and a mother, of course.

This is Caleb.  He is a reader.  He reads and reads and reads.  I'd say at least one book a day.  Actually, his average is probably higher than that.  The library has a contest going on: you can put a ticket in a drawing for every book you read.  You can put your ticket in whichever prize bucket you want.  He is putting his eggs all in one basket, so to speak.  He wants to win the hammock and will put his many, many tickets in there.

Our Hannah Rose

Caleb was asked to give a talk on Sunday.  Here he is writing it all by himself.  Because we weren't going to be there on Sunday, we got a sneak preview.  He practiced on us.  It was great.  How we love this great young man.

Ken spent I don't know how long helping the kids sort craft rubber bands into colors.  It was a huge job. You can see the now greatly reduced pile of mixed rubber bands on the carpet. The kids then made many rubber band crafts and gave each of us some of their creations.

The Cameron family had a previously planned camping trip in Montua with their best friends- the Ruschs.  They do this camping trip every year together to see the poppies.  They left on Friday afternoon.  We went out to dinner and slept at their house.  We got up early the next morning and drove out to Montua to be with them.
These two little girls have been BFFs since birth.  They are so cute together.

Shonna's best friend, Robin, and two of her kids with Gabe and Hannah.

Shonna and Blake have such a nice camper and they use it a lot!

Can I just say Robin is adorable.  She has the cutest personality.  We are so grateful Shonna has her in her life.  Robin's husband and Blake are also good friends, as are their kids.

Years ago, when both families had just moved to Logan, Robin and Shonna met in a park where they had taken their children to play.  They have been best friends since.

Let's go see the poppies!

Usually by this weekend every year, this entire field would be covered with the beautiful red poppies.  But with the cooler spring this year, the blossoms were just starting to come.  You can see all of the green buds.

On the way back to Logan, we drove through Wellsville.  I love that little town.  My grandma was raised there.
We spent the afternoon at Camerons in Logan, then we all went out to dinner at Costa Vida.  We left from there to go to Ogden, where we stayed in a motel that night.  Joyce and Scott rented a big van for the bike trip and picked Ken up at the motel at 8:30am.  I left from there to drive to Michelle and Brian's house to go to church with them at 10:30. Both meetings were really good and it was so nice to be with the Prince family.

Their dog, Fred, is always so glad when they come home from church.

That evening the Prince family was gathering to celebrate Brian's brother Matthew's birthday.  Matthew is an avid U of U fan.  Gabbi and Jaron thought it would be a fun birthday tease to dress in BYU clothes for his party.  Here's Gabbi as a BYU cheerleader.  Go Cougars!

After Brian and Michelle served a nice hamburger lunch, I headed for home.  It's about a four-hour drive from there.

I love these people

 I then enjoyed a week alone at home.  I spent a lot of time blogging while Ken was gone on his bike adventure.  Next post read about Ken's fun biking adventure in Idaho!

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