Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Eiffel Tower Toilet

 As you can see, we got a lot of wonderful pictures at the Eiffel Tower.  We had about 45 minutes there to walk around before we were to meet our tour back on the bus. "What did you do at the Eiffel Tower?" you ask.  I waited in line at the slowest rest room IN THE WORLD!  

Let me try to explain it to you:  Inside this pod was a toilet and a sink.  And buttons.  And a recording of a lady giving instructions in French.  I asked the man waiting in line before me how it worked.  He kindly explained, or I may still be in there.  When the person before you comes out, you wait while the door closes.  Then you hear lots of water running and machinery noises. It is flushing and self-cleaning. When the light turns green, you push the green button.  The door opens.  You go in and go to the bathroom.  That part was pretty normal.  But then things get crazy.  When you push what you are sure is the flush button, nothing happens except a lady (recording) yells at you in French.  I just kept pushing and pushing.  She just kept yelling and yelling. I tried to turn on the faucet, but nothing happened, well, except the French lady recording yelled at me again. I sort of panicked.  What do I do? I guess you just have to leave, hoping and assuming that the toilet will flush and all will be well.  It was SO slow.  Ken was waiting for me outside.  "In case it didn't flush, let's get out of here!" I said.  How embarrassing!
I really did spend most of my time at the Eiffel tower in a queue for the toilet.  One does what one has to do!

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