Saturday, September 19, 2009

Oh Cougars!!!

I'm trying really hard not to feel depressed, but I'm not succeeding. What happened?


Joan Morris said...

Man, they had a major meltdown this week. I had to help at a wedding reception last night so thankfully missed the entire 2nd half. Maybe their first two games were a fluke :{

Sarah said...

I've taken on Tom's attitude. I can't stand to watch the games anymore. Just send memo in January and let me know how it all turns out.

James and Tricia Thomas said...

That game was pretty brutal (we were cheering for BYU since they are not playing the Utes!) It was a crappy day for all Utah teams yesterday! I pray that the Utes win every week just so James will be in a good mood!:)

Kelly M said...

Yes this house is totally bummed too!

Shonna said...

I know. So sad.

Kristen Mackrory said...

Me too! So sad. They'll do better next week!

I love the new autumn look of your blog and the Aspen trees. Beautiful. Autumn is the best!