Monday, September 14, 2009

Mackrorys Visit!

We had such a fun time last week with Kristen, Nathan, and Brielle. Jared was out of town, so they came to spend the week with us. They arrived on Monday. We took the kids to a neighborhood park/splash pad. They had such a fun time. Then we went home and barbecued Manti chicken and made homemade ice cream (Kristen’s favorite treat in the whole, wide world.) Throughout the week we shopped, bottled peaches, took the kids to “touch the temple”, and celebrated Kristen’s birthday. On Saturday, we made more homemade ice cream (I know!) and watched the Cougars “cream” their opponent. It was so cute to see how excited the kids were about game day. They couldn’t wait to get in their “Y Cougar shits”, as Nathan calls them. Then they actually watched some of the game. Indoctrinate them early! It was fun to see them with the homemade ice cream. They loved it. Nathan asked Granpa for more. Ken got him some. Soon thereafter he noticed that Brielle was finishing her bowl. He got so excited and kept saying , “Bwell! Bwell! Want some more??” It was like, “I know a guy who can get you more. It worked for me. I can hook you up." It’s cute to see how much they love each other. Thank you so much, Lu for coming! We made some great memories!


Joan Morris said...

What a fun week. You are so lucky to have your cute grandbabies so close. HOw fun to have them come spend a week and it looks like you made so many wonderful memories.

Kristen Mackrory said...

It WAS such a fun, fun week. Thank you for putting up with all of the toys and noise so that we could spend time with you. We love you!

Michelle said...

How FUN! I love the picture of Brielley smiling with the water splashing behind. DARLING. Such a cute story about Nathan and the ice cream.

Shonna said...

I absolutely love all those pictures!!! So where was Lu's birthday dinner? I was trying to figure it out by the background, but couldn't get it. I want to go to that splash park, the kids had a blast!

Carina said...

You guys looked like you had a really fun week! Family visits are always my favorite. The homemade ice cream sounded so good! That's so cute the kids look out for eachother.

James and Tricia Thomas said...

What a fun time with those cute kids!! I love homemade ice cream too!!!

sara cardon said...

Awesome week!! I'm with everyone else-- there's nothing better than homemeade ice cream. What do you put in yours? Post some of those recipes next-- I always look forward to the new recipes on your blog!