Sunday, September 27, 2009

Fun a Mile High

Ken had Government Audit training this week in Denver, so I tagged along. We flew out of Vegas on Sunday afternoon and got home Wednesday night. I enjoyed having time to catch up on reading and studying (I always study all the conference talks, looking up all the footnotes, and was behind in my schedule of that) and got my October RS lesson mostly prepared. It was wonderful to have uninterrupted time to get stuff done. I also finished the book I was reading "The Glass Castle" (loved it! Review to come) The hotel also had a wonderful lap pool, so I was able to get good workouts both days. We enjoyed our evenings together- exploring Denver(though it was cold and rainy), going out to dinner, and watching two movies. We went to the Denver Art Museum on Wednesday morning before we flew out that afternoon. It was so nice to have Ken to myself for a few days. Downtown Denver Delicious meal at PF Changs: Shrimp, Melon, and walnuts. We went to PF Changs in LA with Jessica and Adam last spring and Jessica told us about this dish. Ami had told her. So, thanks Jessie and Ami- it was delicious!!! Denver Art Museum Picasso Frolicking Foxes Sculpture Matisse Dish owned by the last Empress of China (if you've read The Imperial Woman by Pearl S. Buck) Recognize this? It's the original from which the Christmas postage stamp issued last year was copied- a beautiful painting!


Joan Morris said...

Looks like you had a great trip! Sorry the weather didn't cooperate.
Sounds like it was a much needed relaxation vacation!

Kristen Mackrory said...

Yay! I am glad that you got to have dad all to yourself for a while. Those pictures were beautiful. It makes me want to go to a museum...Hmmm. Maybe I'll take the kids to the BYU art museum today. And the food looks delish!

Shonna said...

Sounds like you had a very productive trip, that's great. And I'm so glad you and Dad got to spend the time together.

sara cardon said...

What a fun trip! I've never been to Denver, but you peaked my interest.:) I also loved "Glass Castle"- I thought it was an amazing read. The dish at PF Changs looks SO yummy!!

Michelle said...

Fun, fun. Thanks for sharing your pictures of the art museum. I feel like I got to experience it without doing the work of walking around the museum, paying an entrance fee, getting to the museum, etc. I'm excited to hear about your most recent read! You are pretty much ALWAYS reading. I LOVE it.

The Allens said...

Art museums are among my favorite places in the world. I'm very jealous. Denver sounds fun. -ali