Sunday, September 13, 2009

Happy Birthday, Kristen!

Happy Birthday to Kristen! We’ve just spent a wonderful week with this precious daughter and her two children. It’s so fun to see her as a mother. She’s so selfless and fun with her children. They are lucky ducks. Though she has precious little “personal” time, I was touched that she spent some of that (after kids were in bed one night) serving us. She noticed (how embarrassing) that my lower cabinets in the kitchen had collected junk in the crevices, so she spent a couple of hours scraping and scrubbing and oiling my lower cabinets. A common expression between Ken and I is "Typical Luli!" She's always doing or saying something nice and we just say, "Typical Luli." This is just an example of many I could tell of how "tuned out" she is. We hope you have a grand birthday, Luli!!! We sure love you!


Joan Morris said...

Happy Birthday Kristen! She is a wonderful person and Mommy.
Thanks for sharing that youtube clip, very enlightening.

Shonna said...

Happy Birthday Lu!!! She is an amazing person, sister, and friend. And I definitely have heard the "typical Luli" comment quite a few times. Love ya Lu!

Kristen Mackrory said...

Thank you for your kind words. BUT you forgot to mention that you and Dad spent the two hours before that, after a long and tiring day, canning peaches for me and my kids and then you sat up with me until 1:00 waiting for them all to go through the water bath!!! Wiping down a couple of cupboards is nothing compared to all you did for us last week!

Michelle said...

Amen. She IS always tuned out and serving others.