We had our spring concert at the tabernacle on Wednesday night. Our theme was "Mothers". We've been singing for rest homes and assisted living centers the last few weeks. The missionaries here sponsor the Wednesday night programs for the tabernacle and do the publicity, so this picture has been in several of the local newspapers in the area. I felt very good about how it went. It's such a fun group of ladies, great entertainers, and I think we're sounding better and better all the time. I am especially touched that so many of the sisters from our ward came and always come to my concerts. We work hard in preparation: memorize all the music and spoken parts, etc, but it's worth it when the concert is over. We now have a summer break and will start up after Labor Day, preparing for our Christmas concert on December 7th. I always have my "ear to the ground" listening for good music, so if you have suggestions, I'm starting my search for good Christmas music. Keynotes is a fun and fulfilling part of my life. Thanks, ladies!!!
How fun!!! What a neat group. Do you look online for music sometimes? I like Craig Petrie, Sally DeFord and Lindy Kirby. They post all their music online for free. You've probably heard of them already...I used a lot of their stuff for my Christmas program last year. And the song that I gave to Brian and Michelle that they sang together last year too.
I so wish that I could have been there! I looked for your new soprano, but Jamie was in the picture, so I assume that your new soprano isn't in this picture? You do such a great job preparing those programs. I am proud of you mom!
You're right, Kristen. This picture was taken last Spring, so Shannon isn't in it. We need to get a new picture.
I wish I coulda been there to see it. I'm so impressed that you all memorize every bit of your music, in parts and everything. That's not an easy feat. Love you, Mom!
SHEESH! You DID have a busy week! I really wish I could have been there. If you would have scheduled your Christmas program a little closer to Christmas, I maybe could've been there this year. . . Brian and I won't be able to fly home from DC very often, but we are planning to come this Christmas and visit both families. It is the only Christmas that the Prince family will be all together due to missions, schooling, etc. We plan on visiting St. George and South Jordan. Is there a reason it is so early in December?
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