I'm thinking about my mom this Mother's Day. Some of the things I want to remember and want you to know about my mom: She was a knowlege gatherer. She loved to learn. She didn't have fast recall (like Dad) but she could answer most of the Jeopardy questions if she had time. She loved maps. I'd often find her studying the atlas when I came to visit her.

She loved to travel and picnic and be outdoors. She was gracious and graceful.

She was Logan City tennis champion. She had an infectious laugh. She loved the arts: dance, music, literature.

She was a great friend and had many friends. I miss my mom. Happy Mother's Day . . . and may those great Dorothy "genes" live on in all of us!
That brought tears to my eyes. I miss her too. I am grateful that we still have some of her in you. You too are a wonderful mother...the best ever. Happy Mother's Day to you!
What a sweet blog post. Thanks so much for sharing your memories. I miss my Mom too. She was a wonderful Mom which I think I could only truly appreciate when I became a Mom. There are still times I think "I'll ask Mom that next time I see her" and then I remember she's gone. I can't wait for our reunion someday.
Oh man. . . I hate it when you make me cry. Those pics are SOoooo fun! She is a beautiful woman in many ways. Maybe I got my love for dance from her?!
I loved that post!! Grandma was so beautiful inside and out!!
I love those pictures! Thanks for sharing. I got my love for music from you, which you got from her, isn't it a great cycle?
Hey kay....we loved the tribute to your mom. It was amazing...so right on the money. we love you lots and lots. CG
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