Sunday, May 10, 2009

I'm a Swimming Fool!

It feels wonderful to be back swimming laps the last few weeks. I’ve been doing pool exercises for months, with a few laps each day, but now I’m full out swimming laps. It’s wonderful. I‘m a swimming fool. I play a little game to help motivate me. I choose a “victim”, a fellow lap swimmer, and race them. They have no idea we’re racing. It’s my little secret. The other day I checked out the competition and chose a guy a couple of lanes over. He was 25ish, muscular, wearing a red speedo, had a shaved head. You know the type. Lots of muscles; swimming laps is one of the things he does in his cross training. The race was on. My goal: to get down and back before he got down and back and down and back. Mark, get set, GO! Lap after stinkin lap, I lost. I just couldn’t do it. I left the pool feeling quite discouraged. I decided I had two choices: 1) Shave my head and get a red speedo, or 2) choose a girl next time. You’ll be happy to hear, I went with the latter. Friday, I got in the pool at the exact same time as a girl: 27-30ish. Now I’ve been in with lots of amazing swimmer girls. You know the type: they wear swim caps, goggles, turn their heads to breathe as they do a muscular American Crawl, do an amazing flip when the reach the edges. That wasn’t this girl. She was, well, she looked a little like me. She had no idea how to flip at the wall (just like me) and she did the breast stroke- not the “free-style”. Ah! A true competition. The race was on. Lap for lap we swam. Sometimes she was ahead, sometimes I was. On and on we swam. You’re goin down, girl! I got behind when I succumbed to the temptation to swim a lap on my back- big mistake. Now I had a lot of making up to do. I swam and pushed. “Think like a water skipper” – just skim the water. “Use you legs, Kay! Kick!” “Push hard off the wall.” I pushed, I swam. At the exactly 30 minute mark, she stopped to take a drink from her water bottle- Sissy!- This was my chance. I pushed off the wall and swam with all my might. She sensed danger and pushed off to catch me. Again, at 45 minutes, she stopped to drink. Again, I gained a lead, but she closed it within a few short laps. At about 55 minutes, I was exhausted and needing to go to the bathroom . I didn’t care. I would swim til midnight if I had to; I was not going to give in first. I started to imagine the management coming at 12 midnight, asking us to please leave as they were closing. She pushed and I pushed. At exactly the 60 minute mark, she gained on me and surpassed me- barely. She touched the wall. I turned and pushed and kicked, only to realize she had stopped. The race was over. . . .and I had won!!!! Victory!!!!! I swam my last two laps while she got out of the pool, dried off and watched me finish. She had no idea she had just had her fanny kicked . . .or did she? How can you swim side by side with someone for a solid hour, neck and neck the whole way and not know you were racing???? I think she knew. As she left, I was so tempted to invite her, “Same time, same lanes tomorrow,” but I didn’t have the courage. I paid the price. My leg muscles ached, my back hurt, my hip hurt. But, oh was it worth it. Victory is sweet! I’m a swimming fool. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . and all of these years you’ve assumed Kristen got her competitive nature in sports only from her father! Ha!


James and Tricia Thomas said...

I love the new layout!! I am so proud of you for winning!! That girl had no idea what a fierce competitor you are!!

Brian said...

You ARE a swimming fool!

Kristen Mackrory said...

LOVE it!! I'm impressed with your determination and I'm very glad you didn't shave your head! :)

Shanny said...

Oh, she had to have known she was racing you, how could she not? Glad to have found your blog!

Blake said...

Right ON MOM! You show'm what it means to be a swimmin' fool. Good choice with the options too, by the way.

Joan Morris said...

Good job winning the "race". But I do think you'd like kind of cute with a shaved head. :)
Where's the American Idol report? I can't wait to read your review!

Natalie Sue said...

Hah, that is so great!! Love the story.

Shonna said...

LOL!!! You're such a good writer! I love the story. Great work Mom! Did she show the next day?

Carina said...

You showed her! What a great story. You're such a great story teller, you make the reader feel like they're there. Michael Phelps better watch his game, Kay Hinton is training hard.

buddy said...

I loved the pool story!!!!give us more....give us more....we love the storyteller that you are.CG