Monday, April 6, 2009

What Have You Done?

I took this challenge from Kristen's blog: Rules: Anything you have done has to be in colored, bold, and/or underlined. How much have you done? It only takes about 5 minutes…Just do's fun! 1. Started your own blog 2. Slept under the stars 3. Played in a band- does a kazoo band count? We had a kazoo band that marched in the BYU homecoming parade and we won first prize for ward entry or something like that. We all had matching tee shirts. That was when Ken and I were in the same ward, but not dating yet. I remember I was starting to like him then. He played a mean kazoo. Shortly thereafter, we went on our first date . . . and the rest, as they say, is history. So I guess you can say that it all started with a kazoo! 4. Visited Hawaii 5 Watched a meteor shower 6. Been to Japan 7. Been to Disneyland 8. Climbed a mountain-trying to keep up with Jolene_______ (what was her last name?), the human mountain goat. Actually, I’ve climbed several, but that was a very memorable attempt. I got heat exhaustion. 9. Held a Praying Mantis 10. Sang a solo 11. Bungee jumped 12. Visited Paris 13. Watched an amazing lightning storm 14. Taught yourself an art from scratch – ceramics, counted cross stitch 15. Adopted a child 16. Had food poisoning... 17. Walked to the top of the Statue of Liberty-went to it, but not to the top. 18. Grown your own vegetables – every summer 19. Seen the Mona Lisa in France 20. Slept on an overnight train 21. Had a pillow fight 22. Hitch hiked- that was a scary experience. I was walking home from school at Ricks and it was freezing cold and a guy asked if I wanted a ride. I stupidly got in the car. I then got so scared. Nothing happened, but that was stupid, stupid. 23. Taken a sick day when you’re not ill 24. Built a snow fort 25. Held a lamb 26. Gone skinny dipping- blame Janis Blacker ( I was like 6) 27. Ran a Marathon- don’t think it’s gonna happen. 28. Ridden in a gondola in Venice 29. Seen a total eclipse- I remember one happened while I was waiting in line one Saturday for the Saturday matinee at the downtown theater as a kid. I’ve seen others, but that was my most memorable. 30. Watched a sunrise or sunset- I have to admit, more sunsets than sunrises. 31. Hit a home run- it was in Young Women softball and I hit it in the Middleton game when my parents were there watching me. They didn’t usually come, but they did to that game, so ever after my dad would brag about what a great hitter I was. 32. Been on a cruise -8, I think 33. Seen Niagara Falls in person 34. Visited the birthplace of your ancestors - England 35. Seen an Amish community 36. Taught yourself a new language 37. Had enough money to be truly satisfied 38. Seen the Leaning Tower of Pisa in person- I saw a similar building in Estonia 39. Gone rock climbing 40. Seen Michelangelo’s David 41. Sung karaoke 42. Seen Old Faithful geyser erupt 43. Bought a stranger a meal at a restaurant- now I so want to do this. 44. Visited Africa – Ken has 45. Walked on a beach by moonlight 46. Been transported in an ambulance 47. Had your portrait painted- I did one of those at a carnival/fair. Also, a friend did one of me in high school while we were supposed to be listening in Speech class. I still have it. 48. Gone deep sea fishing –I fed the fishies and caught a shark- not a great day 49. Seen the Sistine Chapel in person 50. Been to the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris 51. Gone scuba diving- snorkeling count? 52. Kissed in the rain 53. Played in the mud – okay, who hasn’t? 54. Gone to a drive-in theater (boy does this one bring back memories. Sometime ask me the Carol McCloy story. . . or ask Joan. It’s a classic.) I’ve been to many drive-in movies. Ken took me to a triple bill of “The Trinity Brothers” shortly after we were married. I fell asleep after the first one, I think. He loves the Trinity Brothers. 55. Been in a movie 56. Visited the Great Wall of China 57. Started a business- voice lesson business- doesn’t that count? 58. Taken a martial arts class 59. Visited Russia 60. Served at a soup kitchen- Ken has 61. Sold Girl Scout Cookies 62. Gone whale watching 63. Got flowers for no reason 64. Donated blood 65. Gone sky diving 66. Visited a Nazi Concentration Camp 67. Bounced a check 68. Flown in a helicopter 69. Saved a favorite childhood toy –I still have my doll “Marynthia”- I liked the names Mary and Cynthia, so I combined them. She is ugly as sin because I cut her hair when I was little. Come to think about it, I’m not sure why I saved her. 70. Visited the Lincoln Memorial 71. Eaten Caviar 72. Pieced a quilt – I have one started, but haven’t finished it. I won’t mention how LONG I’ve had it started. 73. Stood in Times Square- Shonna and I did New York (with the help of Ami) Loved it! 74. Toured the Everglades 75. Been fired from a job 76. Seen the Changing of the Guards in London- almost didn’t. We got lost on the way . . and well, that’s another long story. 77. Broken a bone 78. Been on a speeding motorcycle- my Dad rented one on the Oregon coast. He even got my grandma on the back! Now, that’s a memory!!!!! 79. Seen the Grand Canyon in person 80. Published a book- just a cookbook 81. Visited the Vatican 82. Bought a brand new car- I think all of ours have been used 83. Walked in Jerusalem 84. Had your picture in the newspaper 85. Read the entire Bible- I’ve tried. I’ve read the NT several times and most of the OT, Man, I wish I could bold this one. Do you think you can get in heaven if you haven’t read the whole Bible? 86. Visited the White House 87. Killed and prepared an animal for eating -oosh 88. Had chickenpox 89. Saved someone’s life 90. Sat on a jury- got called for jury duty, but didn’t have to do it. 91 Met someone famous 92. Joined a book club- in one now and love it. 93. Lost a loved one 94. Had a baby 95. Seen the Alamo in person 96. Swam in the Great Salt Lake- there were lots of gnats that drove me CRAZY 97. Been involved in a law suit 98. Owned a cell phone 99. Been stung by a bee- found out I was very allergic, so then had to have a series of allergy shots. 100. Visited Italy I scored a 63 how about you?

1 comment:

James and Tricia Thomas said...

Loved this post! SKINNY DIPPING!!! Kay I have a new found respect! I knew you had a little rebel in you!!