Yesterday was the 32nd anniversary of the day Ken and I got engaged. I don't know why I thought of that this year . . . it's not like we think of it and celebrate it every year or anything. Last night at dinner, I asked him why this day was special, and he came up with it. I could see the relief on his face when he guessed right. We celebrated by helping clean the temple last night. Each ward gets a turn to help with the night cleaning of the temple from 10-midnight. We helped clean the baptistry. It was a whole new way of doing "temple work", and though we were tired, I think we both really enjoyed it.
That's a great way to celebrate your engagement anniversary :) We have the opportunity to clean the Boise Temple during the winter and summer 2 week breaks. It feels weird going to the temple in jeans, but it is always a wonderful experience.
That is so great! What a fun anniversary to remember. I think your next post should be the story of how Dad proposed to you. Then it would be fun to hear your favorite date with him when you guys were dating or engaged. What do ya think?
What a beautiful way to celebrate. Way to go!
I like BD's idea! Tell your stories!!
Amen to Shonna's idea. . . I would LOVE that! I'm glad you got to see a bit of a different side of the temple; that sounds really neat!
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