Saturday, February 10, 2024

Heaven on the Sea

 As is always the case, our cruise ship had an onboard library.  Cruise ship libraries have some books that are owned by the ship.  You can check those out. There are also a lot of books that people have left.  You can leave books and you can take them.  The Island Princess had SO many books that people had left.  It truly was heaven on the sea.  There were shelves and shelves of them.

Behind the sideways stacked books were more and more stacks of books.  There were so many.  Several were on my "want to read" list.  I looked up others on my Goodreads app. carefully selecting ones I wanted to take home.

I chose these.

Then I went back a couple of days later and chose these.  We weren't sure how many we could take to stay under our 50 lb. each luggage weight limit.  When we weighed our suitcases at the hotel in Los Angeles I was sad to learn that I could have taken six more pounds worth of books!
But I am very excited for the ones I chose.  Ken chose a couple as well.  I left two there that I finished while on the cruise.
This library truly was heaven on the sea.

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