Tuesday, April 25, 2023

A Temple Trip to Las Vegas

 I do a monthly temple trip report, but I wanted to do a separate report of our trip to Las Vegas temple this month.  On April 12th we drove down there after I finished two Keynote performances in the morning.  Because of our last experience getting caught in traffic trying to go to the Vegas temple, we left really early to meet our 4:00pm appointment.  In fact, we got there in plenty of time to attend the 3:00pm session, which they graciously let us do.  One of the things we love about the Vegas temple is that they are so welcoming and accommodating.  After the endowment session, we did a sealing session. 

We then drove about 1/2 hour to get to our hotel.  By then it was about 8:00pm  and we were very tired and hungry.

Our hotel had a little bistro in the lobby.  We didn't feel like going out to hunt food, so we both got a nice salad.  We then went to the room and watched a little TV and then went to bed.
We had reservations the next morning for the 10am session, but again arrived an hour early.  They let us go to the 9am session, then again, we did another sealing session after.  We then set out for home.  We stopped in Mesquite for lunch/dinner on the way.
The drive through the Virgin River Gorge was gorgeous.  It was the most green I have ever seen it.  With all of the moisture recently, it was just beautiful. 
It was a pleasant, little trip to the Las Vegas temple.  

1 comment:

Shonna said...

That sounds like such a pleasant trip.