Monday, February 13, 2023

I Finally Did It!

 Two years ago, in February of 2021, the church made an announcement that was devastating to me.  You could only have 300 names on your temple ordinance reservation list.  At the time, I had well over 600.  That meant I couldn't add any more names as I found family members needing ordinances done.  I started writing them and their numbers down as I found them.  I had a huge list.  Then I got the brilliant idea to put them in Ken's account on his reservation list.  I have added a lot to his reservation list as we have needed more baptisms and confirmations for our grandkids.  We now have four grandsons doing baptisms and confirmations and three granddaughters.  They are keeping me busy.

I have added about 100 names to Ken's list, but at the same time have beeen reducing mine. We have done a lot of ordinances from both lists.  Family members are helping as well.  I have been combing through my list, removing or sharing many that are needing endowments.  We simply cannot do all of those.  Recently, I was pleased to get my number of reservations below the proscribed 300.  I work on family history most every day that we are home.  It has taken me two years to get to this point.  

I love doing this important work for my family members that have gone before.