Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Elk/ Elf Confusion

 Shonna told us a cute story.  As she was tucking six-year-old Gabe into bed the other night, they were talking about the field trip his class was taking the next day to see a herd of elk.  You may have heard about the elk in Cache Valley?   Gabe exclaimed, "I am most excited about the toy!" "What toy?" Shonna asked.  "The toy the elf will give me!"  

She gently explained that they were going to see elk not elves.  They were going to ride a sleigh to see them, but there would be no elves or toys.

The next day, Gabe didn't get a toy, but he did enjoy riding in the sleigh and seeing the big animals and eating school lunch IN his classroom when they got back to the school. Life is so very good!

1 comment:

Shonna said...

I love seeing what's happening in his little brain. 😊It's what I call a "delight".