Thursday, December 8, 2022

Traveling Tabernacle Display

We recently attended the traveling tabernacle display.  Our stake is hosting the event for all of southern Utah.  It is set up between two church buildings including our stake center.  Shonna and Blake and family visited it when it was in Logan a few months ago and recommended it to us.  We went on Monday, November 11th.

They had youth be the guides and teach us at each station.  The day we were there, all of the youth were from the Bloomington Stake.  Most of them did an excellent job and presented their parts well and with dignity.  Most of them!

This is where they would wash before entering the tabernacle.

The symbolic minorah

This was the shew bread.  There were 12 loaves representing the 12 tribes of Israel.

The Alter of Incense in the Holy Place.

The embroidered curtains into the Holy of Holies.  Cherubim guarded the way.

The ark of the covenant contained manna, Moses' tablets that had the 10 commandments, and Moses' staff.

The figures on the top represent cherubim guarding the sacred ark.

Symbolic skins.  The cute deacons that presented this part were a lot like a Laurel and Hardy show.  They weren't trying to be funny, but they were hilarious as they argued back and forth.  Hence, I'm not really sure what these were for.

The cultural hall in the stake center was made into a museum of pictures and verbiage explaining it all.  It was very impressive and well done.

If this display comes to your area, we highly recommend it.  It was really well done and so educational.

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