Tuesday, December 6, 2022


 After Ken was home from the hospital, he wanted to express his gratitude to all who served him there.  This is what he posted on Facebook on November 23rd-Wednesday.

(He also wrote a nice thank you note naming all of the nurses and aides who served him and took it to the hospital a couple of days ago, hoping they each would get his message of thanks.)

A heartfelt shout out of gratitude to my friends at the Saint George River Road campus of Intermountain healthcare. I have spent the last half-week in their care and keeping, having been released late this morning. I started a painful, scary fight with Diverticulitis last Wednesday, and have been struggling to regain any semblance of health since then. However, after being admitted in the hospital Saturday night, I have received the most professional, caring, compassionate, and thoughtful service I could have ever wanted. People went out of their way to bless my life and help me, even when it wasn’t on their personal job description. I am grateful God has granted me the health to return home. I am also grateful to all those heroes who are making life better for those of us who are currently down on our health. Happy Thanksgiving my friends!!

May be an image of outdoors and text that says 'Intermountain Intermountain St. George Regional Hospital EMERGENCY Hospital 1234 Entrances Intermountain Cancer Center Health 6 Performance Center'
You, Lorene Grant, Kendra Carlson and 235 others

I shared his post and also shared my gratitude:

Kay Gabrielsen Hinton

November 24 at 6:50 AM 
Shared with Your friends
On this Thanksgiving day, I too want to express gratitude for all of those who helped and served us at our wonderful hospital. It was a rough week, but they helped us through it with their compassionate care. It is good to have Ken home. I give thanks! Happy Thanksgiving to all!
May be an image of outdoors and text that says 'Intermountain Intermountain St. George Regional Hospital EMERGENCY Hospital 1234 Entrances Intermountain Cancer Center Health 6 Performance Center'


Kristen Mackrory said...

Such beautiful gratitude. I love the two of you as well as those who took such good care of you.

Shonna said...

I recently read President Uchtdorf's talk about the importance of gratitude during trials. You both are a good example of that.