Friday, February 15, 2019

St. George East Stake Center Burns

Just across the street from the St. George temple was the East Stake Center.  It was an old building with structural problems, so they leveled it and were building a beautiful new stake center in its place.  It was near completion. Everyone was so excited.  Of course, mostly those in the East Stake were excited, but really everyone who goes to the St. George temple was, too.  We had watched the old building leveled and the new one be constructed for months.
The St. George temple is extremely busy, and sometimes you have to park two or three blocks away from the temple.  The parking lot of this stake center used to be an overflow parking lot for the temple before they started construction on the new building and the parking lot was blocked off.  Everyone was looking forward to the opening of the parking lot which was to happen soon.  Obviously, that won't happen now.  

In the early morning hours of January 26th (the day we left for our cruise.  Ken's brother Don texted us about it while we were having breakfast in Primm on our way down to LA) a fire was reported.  It consumed and destroyed the beautiful, new building.  They have determined it was arson as trained dogs sniffed out accelerant near an outside wall.  Who would do such a thing????  It is a complete loss.  It is so sad.


Joan Morris said...

Very sad :(

Pam said...

Roger and I, too, are so sad about this senseless waste and destruction. It's just another example of the many whys? in our present-day society.

Shonna said...

That is awful!