Friday, February 8, 2019

Personal Progress: Divine Nature

To earn my divine nature ribbon, I took on a big challenge for my project. Here's the story:
 When I was in high school in 1973, a very popular new movie came out called "The Sting."  I went to it on a date with Rick Hurst.  I remember it really well.  The movie was entertaining with a surprising twist at the end.  But maybe the best part was the music.  The theme song of the movie was "The Entertainer" by Scott Joplin.  It was catchy and it still is the background music for commercials, etc.  I loved the music.  Since then, I have wanted to learn to play it on the piano.  There are many simplified versions available, but I wanted the original.  Motivated by this project, I  ordered the music and started learning it.  When I first started, I was overwhelmed as the music is really too hard for me.  But I was determined.  Each time I practiced, I took my phone to the piano with me and timed my practice sessions.  My purpose was to make sure I spent 10 hours on it.  I should have known it would take me much longer than that. I have worked hard to learn this difficult piece.  It is so satisfying to be able to play it now.
Though not perfect ( and it probably never will be,) I decided to record it . . . and record it . . . and record it.  I never will get a perfect recording, but I got one I was pretty happy with.  I tried to post it on here, only to have it rejected because it was too long.  So, I will record it in two halves.  The first one, you will recognize; the last half of the song (on the second recording) is less well-known, but I have come to love it as much.

I think this was the most difficult of all the projects for me, but very rewarding.


Pam said...

Bravo! Bravo! I'm impressed and so proud of you, Kay! Coordinating the left and the right hands in the constant beat alone is a great feat and you did it so well! Constantly challenging ourselves is so smart as we get older and you are the poster child!

Kay Hinton said...

Thank you, Pam. You are so kind.

Joan Morris said...

I'm so glad you included the videos. Wow, you did so great! I know how hard that piece is. Good for you for taking on a challenge and meeting your goal!! Bravo indeed!

Kristen Mackrory said...

Wahoo!!! I loved it. And so did baby Elisabeth. I love be the example you set as well. I can't wait to show this to my little piano players at home. It will be motivating and inspirational to them as well!