Sunday, February 17, 2019

Elisabeth Dawn is Born

Meet Elisabeth Dawn Mackrory.  She is our fourteenth grandchild.  She is Kristen and Jared's sixth child.  She was born on February 9, 2019.  "Isn't she lovely?  Isn't she wonderful?"

All ready to go home from the hospital.
Her siblings were all sick when she was born.  In fact, they put off the induction a couple of days to give time for the kids to heal.  So they had to wait a couple of days to hold her.  The day she came home from the hospital, they finally got to hold her.  When they got home from school, they took a shower fist and wore masks to protect her from bad germs.
Audrey, Nathan, and Jacob get their turn to hold Elisabeth.  Kristen pieces and makes a quilt for each of her children.  Elisabeth's is in background of these photos.
Brielle will be a great help with this little one.

Little Sammy had to wait an extra couple of days for his turn as he was the sicketst.
Elisabeth had a lot of help to take her first bath.

Elisabeth has come to a busy, active family where she will receive lots of love and will be nurtured and taught good things.  She is a blessed and lucky little girl.  And we are blessed to have her!  We will go to meet her next month and help out for a few days. Her name is spelled like and inspired by John the baptists mother in the New Testament.  Dawn is the middle name of Jared's beloved aunt who still lives in South Africa.  Welcome to the world, Elisabeth Dawn.


Shonna said...

She is so precious!

Joan Morris said...

What a sweet new baby girl! Welcome to the family Elisabeth. She is so lucky to go to Kristen and Jared's family. She will be well loved.

Pam said...

Ahhh! So cute and so sweet! I'll bet those brothers ans sisters adore her! They are such a great family and she is a lucky liitle girl!