Saturday, January 6, 2018

Sea World Fun With the Camerons

After Ken was through at the temple and I with Keynote rehearsal on Wednesday, November 1st, we headed to California.  Shonna and Blake and family flew there from SLC and we drove, meeting them there.  We stayed in a hotel that night.  The next morning, Shonna picked us up in the blue beast.  Blake brought his entire team to San Diego for a training.  They rented a 15-passenger van to haul all of them.  It was hilarious.  It was an old, beat up van.  They all had to hold their luggage on their laps and the back seat wasn't secured, giving it's occupants a wild ride.  Shonna took the crew to class on Thursday morning, then came and picked us up at the hotel.  We headed to Sea World, where we only took up three parking spaces with the thing!  While Blake and crew were in class on Thursday and Friday, Shonna and the kids took us to Sea World.
We so enjoyed the shows, rides, displays and sea animals.  We had two delightful days in my new favorite theme park- Sea World!
Shonna, Ken, Gabe, Caleb, Grandma, Hannah, and Lily

I guess I'm not the only one fascinated with sting rays

This employee was so cute with the kids, giving them animal trading cards.
The rides were so fun and we never had to wait in a line.

Even little Gabe loved the shows.

Choose the SOAK ZONE and you will get splashed by the sea animals

This was Lily's favorite ride.

Lily loved this ride that took you up high, then down, then up, then down.  She rode it over and over again.  The kid has no fear.

This Elmo ride was exactly like Dumbo at Disneyland- minus the lines.

Caleb loves animals.  He is a voracious reader.  He knows a lot about most of the creatures we saw and was cute to share his knowledge with the Sea World employees(and they were cute with him.)

And this one was exactly like the teacups at Disneyland.

The infamous blue beast!

I wish I had taken a picture of the broccoli.  The waiter was SO surprised when Caleb chose broccoli as his side and ate every bite.  All the kids did.  They love broccoli.

We drove home on Saturday. It was such a fun trip and time spent with Shonna and the kids.   The next morning, we took this picture before going to church.
Happy Autumn!


Shonna said...

Thanks so much for coming to help! We loved spending that time with you guys!

Michelle said...

You got some amazing pictures! So fun!