Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Conference Weekend with the Prince Family

We are so enjoying having the Prince family living closer.  They came up for conference weekend.  We had such a nice time together.  We, of course, enjoyed the conference sessions.  Between sessions, we enjoyed many trips to the park behind our house.
The kids love to dance while Grandma Kay plays the piano.

"I want to tell you a secret," Jaron would say as he threw his little arms around our neck.  "I love you very much!"  Then he'd plant a wet kiss on our cheek.  Ah, the joys of grandparenthood.  

Though Michelle is close to delivering their third child, she lovingly gave me a pedicure, complete with foot soaking and massage.  What a sweetheart!
Thank you, Brian and Michelle for a great weekend!!!


Pal & Hatty said...

How fun to spend conference with family!! Such cute grand kids! The conference was wonderful as always and such a lift. Michelle is a sweetheart to give you a pedicure - you raised some awesome daughters!

Michelle said...

Thanks so much for all you did to make it such an enjoyable weekend! It was a true vacation for me, with you planning and cooking all the meals and entertaining my children. :) We are SO happy to be closer!!!

Joan Morris said...

I'm so happy that you have Michelle and Brian so close. That is so fun that you got to spend Conference weekend together.