Saturday, September 10, 2011

And the Biking Saga Continues . . .

In the words of someone great, "If it's not on the blog, it didn't happen." (see this GREAT post) And this Definitely happened. I can tell by the smell . . . and the moans and groans coming from the other room as we speak. So here I am blogging it: Ken rode 80.7 miles this morning. He rode to Springdale (the town at the entrance to Zion National Park) and back. There's a lot of elevation gain on that ride! It took him 4 hours and 42 minutes- his personal best time/hour: 17.1 mph. It also is the furthest he's ever ridden. He's amazing and amazingly sore. He's cutting up his reward right now- a bowl of fresh peaches!
The proof:
I took this just after he got home. I can't believe he had the energy to get down and pose for this picture. That alone would have constituted a workout for me!
Nice job, Ken!


Michelle said...

GO PAPA! What a good sport to get down on his hands and knees for the picture . .. I LOVE it! Too funny.

Kristen Mackrory said...

Ho-ly To-le-do! You biked to Zions and back?!? You really are amazing. Go Dad! As I was finishing my 5.9 mile run this morning and feeling pretty dang good about myself, I thought, well, it is nothing to Dad's 75 miler. Little did I know you were riding 80 miles as I "spoke." Go Papa Go!

Shonna said...

Wow! That's incredible! There are some huge hills to get up there. Way to go Dad! And I LOVE the Walmart story; hilarious!

sara cardon said...

WOW. My bottom is sore just thinking about it!

Pam said...

In the words of Charlie Brown (your Jon Schmidt post reminded me) - GOOD GRIEF!!!
Ken is an Eveready Bunny - on steroids!!! But aren't you so proud of him?