Saturday, September 17, 2011

My Favorite Things- The Hinton Hand Rub

The Hinton brothers (Ken's brothers- there are seven of them) have an endearing little habit they use to express excitement and joy. They rub their hands together really quickly with a big smile on their faces. This is most often used during a BYU football game (Rick pictured above, watching a BYU game at our house after a family wedding) Rick and Jim are probably the most prolific hand rubbers, but I notice when they all get together, they all start doing it. I have a picture of all of them doing it, but it won't upload. I'm sad, because it's so cute. Well, in fact, it's one of my favorite things. Anybody know where this tradition started? I've also noticed that this habit has passed to the next generation, and even the next. Tonight, BYU plays Utah. Please, oh, please, let there be some serious hand rubbing in the Hinton homes or in the stands,-wherever those guys are, this evening. Rub, men, rub! The Hinton Hand Rub- one of my favorite things!


sara cardon said...

Too bad it didn't bring the Cougard luck last night... Poor BYU. Poor Hinton hand rub!

Shonna said...

I know. I agree w/ Sara. It is very fun to see the Hinton hand rub though. Love it!