Saturday, September 17, 2011

103.3 Miles!

Can I hear a Woot Woot!!!! Ken did his "Century Ride+" today! It took him about 6 1/2 hours. He rode up through Zion National Park to the very end- as far as you can go in Zion's (51.3 miles) and back home. He is sore and tired, but very happy to cross "Century Ride" off of his bucket list. I am so proud of him! And I admit that I'm glad it's done. He rides on highways and roads and he's had several close calls with cars nearly hitting him.
His plan was to do 90 miles today and then do his century ride next Saturday, but on the way out, he thought, "If I just go an extra ten miles today, I don't have to do that 90 + 10 next week." So, he pushed it and did it. He took a banana, gatorade, a Pay Day candy bar, and energy chews to sustain him, but he still "ran out of gas" on the way home and had to stop at Lin's Market in Hurricane to buy another quart of Gatorade and another banana to give him the fuel to get home.
I had this sign on the garage when he got home (I talked to him when he was in Hurricane on the way home and found he was going to make the 100+ miles):
I thought it was cute that before I took the picture of him when he got home, he crossed out the 100 and put 103.3. . . .just for the record.
Brian set up a google+ "hang out" with all the kids, so everyone could give him a cheer when he got home. Shonna and Blake and kids are in Wisconsin with Kristen and Jared and family right now, so it was a fun party with them and Brian and Michelle and Gabbi in Washington DC. Hopefully, the grandkids will remember this day and their buff Grandpa!
Brian gets some of the credit for this happening. After his 80 mile ride last week, Ken told me that this goal was just taking too much time and didn't think he would go for 100 miles. When he told Brian and Michelle that on Sunday when we google chatted with them, Brian started chanting, "Century, Century, Century!" Then he proceeded to talk Ken into it. It worked.
I had his favorite treat waiting for him when he got home:
Oh, and you need to know that he hiked 11miles yesterday with his best buddy, Greg Last (they are friends from clear back in Elementary school and annually do a hike together.) He got badly sunburned on that hike, so that's why he wore the "Arab Garb" on his head to protect from getting more sunburn.
Congratulations, Ken!


Michelle said...

That is quite an amazing accomplishment! Go Daddy, go! I hope that your body is kind to you and recovers quickly. That's right, he's MY dad. We've got bragging rights. Bring on the pickle juice, peaches, naps, ice packs, and icy hot, right?! I still can't believe it . .. over 100 miles!!!

Kay Hinton said...

AND the aquaphor. Yes, he has some healing to do. He's pretty wiped out. But he did just clean up the mess I made outside grinding wheat. That wheat grinder sprays wheat flour everywhere!

sara cardon said...

I did wonder about the "arab garb." I thought maybe it was there to soak up the sweat on his head so it didn't drip into his face or something, b/c I would be sweating like a pig. AMAZING accomplishment!! What's next? 150? 200? I'm chanting 200 right now!!

Joan Morris said...

Good job Ken. My bet is that he doesn't stop riding his bike. I could see 200 miles in his future. He sounds addicted.

Shonna said...

Way to go Dad!!!! I love that he crossed out the 0 and added the 3.3. Every point of a mile totally counts; way to go! I'll bet those peaches and ice cream totally hit the spot after a hot and sweaty 103.3 miler.