After a good night's sleep, we headed to Jamestown for the day. It was very hot again. After looking around the visitor's center, we got on the shuttle bus to the glass blowing hut. With Brielle in a strong lead, we all sang "The Wheels on the Bus" on the way. The bus driver was cute and even made the wipers go "swish, swish, swish" as we sang.
Shonna and Pochahontas
Captain John Smith
We then headed to Chick Filet for lunch.
We then all went back to the resort to swim in the pool there. It was fun to watch the kids. Brielle had a life jacket, so was free to swim by herself. She would dunk under again and again and again. She loved it. Nathan was fearless, jumping in and tormenting all of us by running around the pool. At one point we had that pool a stirring as we all tried to catch up to him- him outside, all of us inside the pool. Gabbi loved the water, and Caleb was so happy and peaceful there he actually fell asleep in the water.
Other highlights of this day were:
1)At Chick Filet, the kids played in the play area after lunch. When I went in to watch, there was a father, screaming over and over and over and over again for his son Bo( that was his mistake- what kid named Bo is going to mind?) to come now, it was time to go. Bo wouldn't go. The dad wasn't able to climb up and get him, so there was a stalemate. Finally, little Nathan went to Bo and said, "Go to your Dad!"
2) After dinner, Kristen asked Nathan to pick up the cards strewn about the room. He carefully picked up each card, resting occasionally with his head on the floor (he was so tired). It was so cute to watch him determinedly obeying his mom.
Two thumbs up for a job well done!
You got some great pictures of the GNI! Loved those mint OREOs, we're great taste-testers.
SO many good memories. Ahhh! My feet feel happy right now, just THINKING about that GNI . . . Man, you did a good job with that lotion!
wow, kay, loved looking at all the great entries here...your family is beautiful and it looks like the trip could not have been better...unless maybe the weather would have been a little cooler, huh? Thanks for the great posts...I loved seeing and reading them. cjg
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