Gabriella's 1st Birthday!!!!
After a delicious "Mountain Man Breakfast" prepared by Brian and Blake, we headed for Yorktown (all except Jared, who took the kids on adventures closer to home). Yorktown was where the final battle of the Revolutionary War was. We watched a movie of the event, went through the museum and then on a walking tour of the town. We ate at "The Carrot Tree" restaurant for lunch, then some went on the battle tour and the rest of us (Daddy, Michelle, Gabbi, Me, and Kristen) went shopping in Yorktown. We went in a bead store and spent a good deal of time choosing beads for all the girls to make bracelets. Ken got tired and layed on the floor of the store and fell asleep. After paying for our beautiful bracelet-making supplies, we started for the door. The clerk said, "Don't forget your dad." It just cracked us all up, as he was still sacked out on the floor. She said she'd never had anyone camp out before.
Mountain Man Breakfast
Yorktown Victory Monument (the last battle of the Revolutionary War was fought here- Yea United States!!)
See the cannon ball in the wall. That is from the Revolutionary War. The owner of this house was a founding father- he signed the Declaration of Independence in this house. His name was Thomas Nelson.
We went back to Williamsburg where Kristen and Jared prepared us a nice dinner of Teriyaki Chicken and Michelle prepared Gabbi's birthday cupcakes. After dinner, we celebrated Gabbi's 1st birthday. She loved the presents, but wasn't much interested in the cake.

After kids were in bed, some went swimming while others had game night in our room.
Those cupcakes are so dang cute. Good job Melli!
I'm so glad the "don't forget your Dad" story is recorded for history. Not only was it hilarious, but it captures what we saw at every Hinton Family get together. :)
Too true Lu. Loved the game night. Clue is such a fun game, we should play it more often even if I never win. Christmas?
I LOVED picking out our bracelet beads. What else is a person to do when they are worn out from lots of sight-seeing? SHOP, of course! It was the perfect anecdote for the heat and humidity.
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