Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Original Keynote

This morning, we sang at another Assisted Living Center. We were introduced to Meda Curtis, a resident there who is over 100 years old. Meda was one of the original Keynotes. She was in that first Keynote group, started nearly 50 years ago by Irene Brooks. Meda reminisced with us (her mind is still sharp as a tack- she's just lost her eyesight) about Keynotes in the 1960's. Meda sang 2nd soprano, and it was a much larger group back then. She said they went all over, singing everywhere. It was so fun to meet Meda and to feel the strength of history and roots of our group.


Michelle said...

How cool is that?! What a neat group to be in; it sounds like it's got quite the history!

Carina said...

What a neat story! Thank you for sharing!

Kristen Mackrory said...

What an awesome experience! How did you make the connection. Did she initiate it? Your group does so much good. Way to carry on the legacy Mom!