Saturday, December 16, 2023

A Keynote Christmas

This is the 60-year anniversary of the Keynotes.  Irene Brooks started the group back in 1963. We held a special 60-year commemoration concert in the tabernacle on December 6th.  Our president, Jennett Labrum (1st row, far right) found  contact information and addresses on all past members and invited them to join us for this night and sing three of the songs with us.  It was so fun to see so many old friends.  About 15 of them were able to join us, including two octogenarians who were in that original group.
The past Keynotes are on the back row.

Our program consisted of some of our favorite Christmas songs we have sung throughout the years.

This is a better picture of all of us, with the past Keynotes on the back row.  Ken took it from the balcony.
I love being part of this wonderful group.  It is a blessing in my life.



Pam said...

This event sounds so wonderful! I am so sad we missed being there and getting to hear your group sing, and when you all sang with the past members. What an amazing group to be a part of and, Kay, I think it is so impressive that you have sung with the Keynotes and been their leader all of those years. You are so talented and I am so proud of you!💗

Joan Morris said...

I love the Keynotes and someday I hope to come hear you sing!

Shonna said...

How great to have old keynotes come back and sing with you all! That's such a neat story of where it all began!

Kristen Mackrory said...

I loved reading the history of keynotes. I didn't know all of that. How beautiful.